Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 3 ~~~~~In My Relationships

The first thing I want to cover about last weeks' study is the statement Lysa made "We are chosen people; chosen, as in handpicked by God."  Love this thought!  Put your  name in the place of "we" and just see how comforting it sounds.  I'll wait while you do it...........Melinda is chosen, as in handpicked by God.  I don't know about you but that really speaks to me!  First it assures me that God will never leave me, I mean really he chose me so why would he leave me?  Next, it tells me that the life I have was handpicked for me by God Almighty Himself!  How cool is that?  Sometimes I feel like I got short-changed in the spiritual gift area.  Why couldn't my gifts have been something like compassion or hospitality.....who wants to be a Martha when you could be a Mary!!!!! But this statement reminds me that God gave me the gift of administration, even if it doesn't sound glamorous.  It's just that us Martha's get a bad rep while the Mary's seem to get all the praise.  Now I sound selfish, but I'm just sharing my heart.  Let me get back to the fact that I am handpicked by God and I am thankful for that.  I am thankful also that God provides others in my life with the gifts that I do not have to make sure the task at hand gets done!  Hence, "I am not equipped to handle what they have-----both good and bad." 

The other thing that really spoke to me was on day 4 where we were to read Psalm 139.  Hold on...I've just got to stop and read it again!  Ah, yes!  If you did not get this far in the study last week, please, please, please stop right now and read Psalm 139, I'll wait for ya!  Question 6 on that day asked me to right down the part that spoke most personally to me.  I listed verses 3 and 5.  Verse 3 tells me that God is familiar with all my ways and verse 5 tells me that God will hem me in and lay His hands on me!  WOW - I can just see God hemming me in with His hands when I get out of line!!!!

Ok, I'm not even going to get into chapter 9 but I will end with this from that chapter...."A friend who guards her words is a gift."  Now if you didn't read chapter 9, put it on your "to-do list"!

Believing God ~ Melinda

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mrs. Melinda!
    I'm so glad you are sharing your thoughts through blogging. This is something I've wanted to do but haven't yet.

    I have never done a Bible study where I wasn't behind at some point or stayed behind the whole time. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets behind! And it doesn't make us any less spiritual...just human!

    Us being hand-picked by God is just amazing. For the creator of the universe, the all powerful, all knowing, King of kings, Lord of lords to care enough to pick out my life, my calling is just incredible. We must never forget that we have a purpose that only we can fulfill. Sometimes I am not so sure I even know what my gift and calling are, but it will be revealed in due time.

    I believe it was chapter 9 that talked about gossip? She brought up a point that really spoke to me. Our words can either make our relationship with Christ appear to be authentic or they can make it appear to be worthless. We can't risk having people (non-believers) think our relationship with Christ is worthless. That might lead them to believe Christ himself is worthless... To type those words makes my stomach cringe. Christ is the essence of worth. We are nothing without Him. Therefore, choosing our words wisely is extremely important. It is not easy but we must. We can help keep each other accountable in this.

    As far as your gift of administration... I know that I do not have that gift and I'm so thankful that there are people like you in the Kingdom of God. Otherwise we would never get anything done!

    Thank you for everything!

    Anna Beth
